Downtown Rotary Club of Houston

Rotary House Committee
The Jesse H. Jones Rotary House International is a full-service hotel, dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of MD Anderson patients and their families while in Houston visiting the world-renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center.
This committee acquaints itself with the opportunities, benefits and needs of the Jesse H. Jones Rotary House International Hotel, promotes activities, and encourages interest within the club and its members on the needs of patients and family members staying there.
• Hosts two receptions at Rotary House on 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month.
• Committee members welcome and chat with patients and guests, and serve them food and drinks during receptions.
• Live musical entertainment
• Special events include an annual Christmas party and Karaoke nights.
Virtual Tour of RI Headquarters
Virtual tour of Rotary International Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA. Fall 2020.
Go Organics for Peace
Spencer Leung, 2013 peace fellow and founder of Go Organics, Ltd., talks about the organization’s mission to build peace by addressing income inequities through economic development.
Women Uplifting Women
Seven Women Centre is a nonprofit that offers fair-trade products and services. Stephanie Woollard, a member of the Rotary Club of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and a former Rotary Peace Fellow, started the organization in 2006 to empower marginalized women in Nepal.